Sunday, February 10, 2008

Even Today (2-10-08), A Possible Brokered Convention Exists!

But......... unless you're reading about it here, you probably won't hear about it.

I'm the evil, "kool-aid" drinking, misleading patriot that has been working since the second week in January of 2008 to get the word out about a possible "brokered convention".

Yes, even today (2-10-08 at approximately 7:30PM CST) the possibility of a "brokered convention" still exists. Like a flower, each day, each hour, each minute that goes by, it's life withers away.

Is it a long-shot?
Is it as Dr. Ron Paul has written on Friday (2-8-08) that chances are nearly zero?
Would it be a near miracle?

At this point, after about three and a half to four weeks have passed and several more primaries, caucuses and "Super-Tuesday" have come and gone, the answer to each of these questions is... yes, yes and yes.

To get to the point of how a brokered convention is still possible, it's pretty straight forward and simple. Mike Huckabee will have to virtually run the table and win all or nearly all of the remaining states. In some cases, Huckabee would have to have a sufficient margin of victory to diminish or negate a proportional award of delegates to McCain.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Huckabee, I'm no infiltrator, I'm not co-intelpro, I guess I'm just an "evil" hard-core, "kool-aid" drinkin' lover of liberty that would like to see Dr.Ron Paul be the Presidential Nominee for the Republican Party. I recognize that Huckabee is another war-monger and his positions on the IRS and many other issues are just a facade he has created for political expediency and convenience.

Nonetheless, despite election fraud issues and Ron Paul style media coverage, yesterday (Saturday 2-9-08), Huckabee showed that he could beat McCain in not only a caucus state (Kansas), but a primary state(Louisiana) as well. And, in Washington State, had Ron Paul supporters joined forces with Huckabee, McCain would have gone down to another defeat, just as he did in West Virginia.
(This is not meant to slight or diminish the efforts of the great people in Washington State! The last I checked, Ron Paul had 21%! That is a tremendous and beautiful effort! BRAVO!!)

Folks, we are not playing checkers, we are playing three dimensional chess with our great America hanging in the balance. Indeed, the NWO has fought to destroy this nation covertly and overtly.

Will we look back on this moment and see that had we strategically swung our upcoming votes to Huckabee, and simultaneously worked to become delegates for Ron Paul (which 1000's of Ron Paul supporters already have) that we could have taken a major step forward and propelled Dr. Ron Paul to the Republican Nomination? Were the results in Washington State and West Virginia a clue?

We will soon have the numbers to see!

Hopefully, we'll have no regrets.

Richard Reeves
When in doubt, vote 'em out.

P.S. This morning (Sunday, 2-10-08), I spoke directly via telephone with an inside source involved extremely close with the Ron Paul campaign and organization. I mentioned to this person the strategy of swinging our votes to Huckabee in an effort to stop the McCain freight train. The person said that the suggestion would unequivocally not be proffered by the National Ron Paul 2008 campaign. The person said that if the people of their own free will and volition carried out such an effort, it would be entirely up to them. So don't wait for orders from headquarters because most likely it ain't comin'!

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