Sunday, February 3, 2008

We Did A Political Take-Down of Giuliani, McCain Is Next!

For almost an entire year, the "Powers That Be" via the "Lamestream Press" tried to slam Rudolph Giuliani down the American Public's throats. Fortunately, due to many of our hardcore activists and their tireless efforts, the Giuliani Presidential bid has been summarily REJECTED!

Subsequently, it is now very clear that the "Powers That Be" have quickly realigned squarely behind one of their other trick ponies....John McCain. Hence, we are being treated to an overwhelming barrage of McCain favorable press, an increased level of neglect towards other candidates on the Republican ticket (especially Ron Paul), big endorsements like that of Governors Crist of Florida, Perry of Texas, Schwarzenegger of California, Senator and former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman, and yes, "Mr. I'm A 911 Hero" himself, Rudolph Giuliani!

Here is a video that if enough of the "Republican" sheeple see, could bring a quick end to the Republican Presidential bid of John "Manchurian Candidate" McCain.

I pass the Info-Ammo to you!

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